La Luna Nueva: “Postcards from Havana” with Jessie Marquez

La Luna Nueva: “Postcards from Havana” with Jessie Marquez

7:30 m. • Friday, Sept. 16, 2011 • $15 advance, $17 door
Tickets: 503-236-7253 • Online Box Office
Latin jazz vocalist Jessie Marquez blends Cuban, Brazilian and pop sounds to create lush music with cool grooves. While her themes revolve around love and longing, her soothing vocals are balm for any heart. Marquez weaves together music with stories about artistic life in Havana. “A musical gem” — Latin Beat Magazine. Guest artists include Clay Giberson, keyboard; Jeff Leonard, bass; Charlie Doggett, drums; Rafael Trujillo, percussion; John Nastos, saxophone. Sponsored by Michelle’s Piano Company.
For press clippings, tour dates and more information, visit Jessie’s website.
Jessie Marquez grew up eating her grandmother’s Cuban cooking and hearing stories about the family’s days on the island. She first visited her father’s childhood home in 1996. Right away, she says, «There was something very familiar about it –the way people spoke, their gestures, their attitudes. I felt at home.” In 2003, members of the Afro-Cuban Allstars heard her sing in Havana and offered to produce her first CD. “Sana Locura,” recorded in a haphazard home studio between power outages, reached the top of the salsa and Latin jazz charts in Europe and the U.S.A frequent visitor to the island, she has appeared on Cuban television and radio and has performed throughout the country.