Program Partner: Equal Exchange

Program Partner: Equal Exchange

What is family? To me, family is a unit which empowers me to go beyond my limit and to always strive the best, sustains me to be grounded and to stay firm on my beliefs that will benefit the people around me, and supports me during inclement times and moments of unforeseen events.  Take for instance, in our upcoming show Guapa, Roly, a single mom burdened by life’s hardship, becomes inspired by a new addition to her family: Guapa, a natural-born athlete with a fiery desire to excel as an international soccer star. Here at Milagro, we believe in family because it incites bright, revolutionary, mind-blowing ideas and brings togetherness, camaraderie, unity. So we are elated that Equal Exchange is a part of our family — not only advertising in our programs, but supplying many of the wonderful beverages available at our concessions.  Their slogan «Small Farmers Big Change» reveals the type of product, quality and service you can expect by choosing delicious delectable from Equal Exchange.  Their ongoing discovery to unearth the best method to support local farmers to develop a better food system while coordinating with co-operative farmers is amazement itself. Please support our advertisers because they support the Miracle! Thanks, Equal Exchange!