Milagro Theatre
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Ingenio Milagro

Introducing INGENIO MILAGRO, a new works development program and play festival for Latina/o playwrights.

INGENIO MILAGRO serves as an intrinsic step in the development of new full-length theatrical works through concert and table readings, guiding playwrights and their works from concept to production. Directors, dramaturgs and actors bring the plays to life through a concert or table readings for an audience of theatre professionals and members of the public. The readings are followed by a moderated feedback session. Playwrights choose their level of involvement from rehearsal to presentation to feedback session, remotely and/or in person.


The inaugural INGENIO MILAGRO play festival will take place September 8–10, 2017. Four plays will be selected for a concert reading and presented over three days after a short rehearsal period. In addition, six to ten plays will be selected for table readings to be held throughout the season. Please note: there will be no travel stipends at this time.


  • Open to all Latino/a-identified playwrights
  • Original full-length plays, at least 70 minutes and no more than two hours in length
  • Plays do not have to be in Spanish
  • Plays with over eight actors will require doubling; playwrights are asked to note where this would be possible/preferred
  • Chamber musicals will be considered
  • Published plays and those that have received a full professional production are not eligible


  • Scripts should follow the Dramatist Guild’s of America Traditional or Modern play format
  • Include playwright’s biography and play’s development history, if applicable
  • To be considered for the inaugural September 2017 festival, submit one hard copy to INGENIO Milagro, 425 SE 6th Avenue, Portland OR 97214. Must be received no later than May 15, 2017. Other than on the cover page, the script shall have no identifying information about the playwright. Also submit an electronic copy via email to
  • Submissions are welcome year-round for consideration for the year-round table readings


DIRECTOR—All plays will be matched with a director. Directors will cast their play, work with the playwright during pre-production and rehearsal process, schedule rehearsals, and will give feedback on their assigned plays with the dramaturg.

DRAMATURG (intern position)—Dramaturgs collaborate with the playwright and director on the development of the script, including coordinating the feedback sessions, asking questions, and mediating feedback to the playwright. No previous dramaturgy experience is required. Students are encouraged to apply.

ACTOR—We will be looking for actors to read at the September play festival as well as for the table readings throughout the year. If you would like us to consider you, please send us your headshot and resume, state clearly your proficiency in both English and Spanish and your general availability. Spanish is not required.

For consideration, please email us at and state for which field(s) you would like to be considered.

Ingenio /ēn 'he nē oh/: Spanish for wit, ingenuity; the inventive and creative capacity to create; a sugar cane refinery.


mayo 10, 2017
junio 27, 2017
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Milagro Theatre