
Season 35 Spotlight: Charly Evon Simpson Comentarios desactivados en Season 35 Spotlight: Charly Evon Simpson

Season 35 Spotlight: Charly Evon Simpson

Posted by on mayo 29, 2018 in Artists, Blog

A conversation with the playwright of Jump How did the co-production at Milagro/Confrontation Theatre come about? I met José at the National Showcase of New Plays in Orlando last December. Jump had a reading...

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Season 35 Spotlight: Roy Arauz Comentarios desactivados en Season 35 Spotlight: Roy Arauz

Season 35 Spotlight: Roy Arauz

Posted by on mayo 22, 2018 in Artists, Blog

A conversation with the director of the Spanish-language production La Segua by Alberto Cañas Escalante As Milagro’s Producing Creative Director, you are certainly no stranger here. What drew you to working...

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The Milagro Family Continues to Grow Comentarios desactivados en The Milagro Family Continues to Grow

The Milagro Family Continues to Grow

Posted by on mayo 22, 2018 in Artists, Blog

Talking with actor Feliciano Tencos-Garcia   You are the newest member to the Milagro family. How did your involvement with us begin? Okay, so I give a lot of details, so forgive me if I ramble. I...

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Talking tech Comentarios desactivados en Talking tech

Talking tech

Posted by on mayo 15, 2018 in Artists, Blog

A conversation with Watsonville Sound Designer Phillip Johnson   How did your relationship with Milagro begin? I’ve been working with Milagro for 3 seasons, and my first show was Contigo Pan y...

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Season 35 Spotlight: Georgina Escobar Comentarios desactivados en Season 35 Spotlight: Georgina Escobar

Season 35 Spotlight: Georgina Escobar

Posted by on mayo 8, 2018 in Artists, Blog

A conversation with the writer and director of Alebrijes! A Día de Muertos celebration   You have worked with Milagro before, even as recent as last season on Bi– as writer and director. What other...

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Rise up with Watsonville Comentarios desactivados en Rise up with Watsonville

Rise up with Watsonville

Posted by on abril 18, 2018 in Artists, Blog

An interview with director Elizabeth Huffman The final show in our 34th Season, Watsonville: Some Place Not Here, is about to make its way to our main stage! And with it comes a new team of artists and...

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