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Anunciando la Temporada 33:

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¡Milagro no sería posible sin su apoyo! Subscríbase hoy para obtener la mejor oferta en la ciudad y apoyar el teatro, cultura y educación de arte latina.

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  • Escoja el asiento de su preferencia para cada show por adelantado.
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  • Traiga sus amigos y familia – ellos ahorraran también.
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El Muerto Vagabundo • Oct 13 – Nov 6, 2016

Conceived & Directed by Georgina Escobar

A Day of the Dead Celebration – World Premiere

Once a year, the dead return to the land of the living to visit their loved ones. This devised production deals with “homeless” muertos and was inspired by an obituary of a homeless veteran without friends and family. This new production explores what happens when a muertito has no family remaining and no home to return to.

El Payaso  Jan 12 – 21, 2017

By Emilio Rodriguez – Directed by Georgina Escobar

National Touring Production – World Premiere

Honoring the late Ben Linder, environmental engineer and clown,  this original ecodrama follows the journey of a young Latino heading to Nicaragua for a chance to make a difference. Collaborating with environmental and social justice groups, with red noses and comédia flair, Teatro Milagro will share the value of “think globally, act locally”.

Swimming While Drowning  Feb 9 – 25, 2017

By Emilio Rodriguez  – Directed by Francisco Garcia

World Premiere

When teenager Angelo Mendez decides to leave his home out of fear of further disappointing his homophobic father, he encounters a world he was not prepared for at an LGBT homeless shelter in Los Angeles. Spoken word poetry and teen romance collide in this coming of age story as two homeless teens find inspiration to live life on their own terms.

Lydia  March 16 – April 8, 2017

By Octavio Solis – Directed by Kinan Valdez

Northwest Premiere

Milagro presents the 2008 Henry Award winner for Outstanding New Play. The play tells the story of a young girl, Ceci, disabled by a tragic accident, and her caretaker, Lydia, who is the only one with whom Ceci can communicate.  An emotionally-charged play of family, secrets, and magical realism.

Óye Oyá  April 27 – May 27, 2017

Created by Rody Ortega & Rebecca Martinez

World Premiere – Spanish Language

An original Spanish language musical inspired by the Cuban zarzuela and Shakespeare’s The Tempest.  This musical is a journey of love, the power of compassion and forgiveness, and finding home. This musical promises to be the biggest production ever seen on the Milagro stage!



mayo 25, 2016
septiembre 22, 2016
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Milagro Theatre