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Season 36 Enfoque Series

Admission is FREE. Reservations encouraged.
Doors at 6 PM. Events begin promptly at 6:30 PM.


A series of events that create conversation surrounding the MainStage productions. Hosted by different members of the community together with special guests, each event is unique and ties-in to the themes of each play, creating a space for discovery and conversation.

Upcoming Enfoque Events

Celebrate Like It's 1850s Mexico

Date and Time
Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 6:30—7:30 PM

Milagro Theater
525 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR 97214

FREE. Reservations encouraged.

Learn about how Mexicans celebrated in the 19th century in this educational presentation by PSU Professor Friedrich Schuler.

In advance of The Corrido of the San Patricios, Portland State University Professor of History Friedrich Schuler visits Milagro to give an educational presentation on the beauty of Mexico. Join us in the Zócalo this Sunday to learn about how Mexicans celebrated Independence Day in the 19th century. Q&A session to follow.

Friedrich Schuler received his Ph.D. in 1990 from the University of Chicago. He joined the PSU History department faculty that same year. Trained within the European Humanistic tradition where inquiry is important for its own sake, Professor Schuler specializes in 20th Century Latin American foreign relations with Europe, Japan, the Vatican, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

Professor Schuler's vision for teaching Latin American history now centers on developing a global approach, asking that students consider all parts of the world in relation to Latin American history, not just that of the U.S.

Past Events

Cafecito con nuestras antepasadas
A little coffee with the women of our past

Tuesday, April 16, 2019
6:30 – 9:00 PM
Admission: FREE
Limited space. Reservations encouraged. Reserve now.
El Zócalo at El Centro Milagro

Host: Frances Portillo

Have you ever stopped to think of all the women who sacrificed, carried you through hard times or stood by you in challenging times? Let’s come and “talk story” about the women who have helped shape who we are starting with those who have gone before us. Frances Portillo will share some of her own antepasadas and encourage you to think and talk and write your own story about your antepasadas. Leave with stories to share with your own family. If you would like, bring articles — photos, trinkets, remembrance cards — representing the women in your life for a ceremonial altar.

About Frances Portillo

Frances PortilloFrances Portillo, Portillo Consulting, International is an interculturalist who works all over Latin America and loves to “talk story.” She collects children’s books from all over the world looking for stories that help her learn about other cultural points of view and ways of seeing the world. She has served on the Milagro Board and currently serves on the Regional Arts and Culture Council (RACC). Frances would like to dedicate this show to her aunt, Dr. Frances Ybarra Amabisca for her inspiration to become who she is and her mother, Carmen Ybarra Portillo for her love and motivation.

Healing through Art

Tuesday, March 5, 2019
6:30 – 8:30 PM
El Zócalo at El Centro Milagro

Host: Humberto Marquez Mendez

Challenges, loss, trauma…these are all part of our lives. In some form or another, and to varying degrees, we all experience obstacles and suffering as we navigate the world. Through challenging times, how do you cope with the pain? How do you heal from loss? Join us for a time of storytelling, writing, music and reflection as we explore the topic of healing and remembrance.

About Humberto Marquez Mendez

Humberto Marquez MendezHumberto Márquez Mendez (gender pronouns: he/him/his) is a self-proclaimed angelic troublemaker, a term coined by Civil Rights activist Bayard Rustin, with experience in education, community organizing, community engagement, and program development. His commitment to equity and social justice is rooted in his personal experiences and strengthened through his professional work with various non-profits, most notably Causa, the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO), Impact NW, and Latino Network. He is currently the Community Engagement Manager at the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC). In 2018, he launched Art & Power, a conversation series that centers and explores the experiences of artists from historically underserved communities.

Conociendo Tiquicia
Folklore, food, and music from Costa Rica

Detalle de carreta típicaTuesday, January 22, 2019
6:30 – 8:30 PM
El Zócalo at El Centro Milagro

Hosts: Ricardo Quintana and Jenny Castro
Guests: Raul Gómez-Rojas (Music Director, MYS), José Julián Araya, Jorge Zúñiga and more

Get to know Costa Rican legends and folklore. The evening will include music, readings of legends and stories, excerpts from the upcoming production of La Segua, and food and the stories that surround it. Audience will be encouraged to take part in the readings and share their experiences.

Justicia, Arte, & El Salvador

23/09/2017 - Evensong commemorating the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero at Westminster Abbey, London, led by The Dean of Westminster The Very Reverend Dr John Hall.Tuesday, January 8, 2019
6:30 – 8:30 PM
El Zócalo at El Centro Milagro

Host: Judge Xiomara Torres
Guests: Pepe Moscoso, Tomás Rivero, and Maria Llort, daughter of Salvadoran artist Fernando Llort

Art as a tool for social justice. The conversation will include a look at Fernando Llort, who went to villages in El Salvador and taught people how to make art they could sell.


enero 8, 2019 @ 8:00 am
mayo 22, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
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Milagro Theatre