Milagro Theatre

Happy Earth Day from Milagro and Super Ana!

Happy 45th Earth Day!

This happy salmon scene is a detail of the backdrop recently completed by muralist and designer José Solis. (You can see the entire thing below.)

This will be the basis for the backdrop scenery to accompany the latest addition to the touring productions, Super Ana! (Saving the world – by choice!). Teatro Milagro, the touring arts and education arm of the company, continues to partner with Metro to make our local government’s  recycling work easier, and also make it easier for all of us to do our part!

Written by Artistic Director Olga Sanchez, Super Ana! tells the story of a little girl who discovers the power of thoughtful choices, going beyond recycling as a heroine for the environment. A great message for all ages, with special appeal to elementary students, the new show will begin its tour May 2015.

The play will be the first one directed for Teatro Milagro by Jeffrey Levy, and features new faces to the touring program, including Milagro veteran Nelda Reyes, Paul Chavez, and in the title role, Monica Domena, who recently made her debut on the tour of Searching for Aztlán. Long-time collaborator Vicente Guzman-Orozco completes the cast.

Stay tuned, and make sure to catch Super Ana! in its upcoming tour. It’s a fun way to figure out why Reduce-Reuse-Recycle come in that order!

Milagro Theatre