Milagro Theatre

Judge Torres Who’s Who

Judge Torres by Milta Ortiz


Cindy Angel

Cindy Angel, ActorCindy is originally from a small town in Yakima Washington. She graduated from Washington State University with a BS in Psychology. As an actor, she has performed in Our Town, You Can’t Take It with You, Richard III, She Kills Monsters, and Don Quixote where she played her favorite role as Sancho Panza. Cindy has also taken on behind the scene roles as an assistant set designer, director, and prop master. This is her first year touring with Teatro Milagro and she is looking forward to the new adventure.


Eduardo Vazquez Juarez

Eduardo has been performing since he was 6 years old, in his hometown in Illinois. His favorite roles include Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, Tom Buchanan in Great Gatsby, Rooster Hannigan in Annie, and Snoopy in You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown! Recent credits include touring with Oregon Children’s Theatre in their educational theatre program throughout Oregon, as well as Washington. As a bilingual/latinx actor, he hopes to inspire people from different races to explore and do whatever they set their mind to.


Marissa Sanchez

Marissa SanchezMarissa is originally from the small agricultural town of Watsonville in California. She graduated from Humboldt State University with a BA in Theatre. Her most recent work has been stage managing for Milagro’s Christmas show, A Xmas Cuento Remix and playing various roles in Milagro’s touring production of Bi-. At HSU, she played Ana in their production of Real Women Have Curves, and was in Hermanas Unidas production of Latinologues. She was also Scenic Designer for Lime Production’s Doubt & Gruesome Playground Injuries. She interned for the Arcata Playhouse Round Story Project bringing multi-generational members of Humboldt’s community and the student body together to address racial equity and justice through theatre.

Ajai Terrazas Tripathi

Ajai Terrazas TripathiAjai Terrazas Tripathi, Milagro’s Education Director is a graduate of Oregon State University in Theatre Arts where he directed Doric Wilson’s Street Theater and Rhinoceros.  He also directed and produced two original plays The Death Rattle, and The Anti-Bullying Project.  As a resident playwright, he has written the touring shows for young audiences: Sueños de FútbolMijita Fridita, and ¡Corre! ¡Corre!, and he has performed in Duende de Lorca, B’aktun 13, Frida, Un Retablo, Cuéntame Coyote, Searching for AztlánBroken Promises, El Payaso, and Bi-.



Mandana Koshnevisan, Director

Mandy has long been a multifaceted artist. She studied literature, theater, and history at Stanford University, earning a B.A. and M.A. in English. Most often an actor, improvisor, singer, and director, she’s also been a musician, costumer, lighting designer, choreographer, puppeteer and more. In San Francisco, she spent 10 years with The Un-Scripted Theater Company (SF) and seven years as Master Electrician for the SF Playhouse. In Portland, she teaches with NWCTS and performs and directs at the Funhouse Lounge; she’s also an Associate Artist at Bag&Baggage, recently appearing in Romeo & Juliet/Layla & Majnun (Lady Capulet) and Death and the Maiden(Paulina).


Gabriela Portuguez, Assistant Director/Choreographer

Gabriela Portuguez, Director/ChoreographerGabriela was born and raised in East Los Angeles, California. A LatinX professional trained in performing arts and early career in Business Marketing has led her through numerous artistic roles: Choreographer/Stage Director, Director/ Producer, Arts Educator, Actress, Arts Marketing/ Public Relations, Dance and Fitness Teacher. Her creative influence in choreography is credited to her training in Los Angeles and Portland that established her career in teaching and performing in US universities, various dance studios on the West Coast and abroad, performing in corporate organizations, media, and commercial videos. Her projects with Milagro have been ongoing and creatively inspiring, from the start of Voz Alta in 2009 to the upcoming production of Judge Torrespremiere in January 2019.

Carrie Anne Hunycutt, Costume Designer

Carrie Anne HuneycuttCarrie Anne is an award winning costume designer and performer in Portland, OR. She received her BFA: Acting in Los Angeles, minoring in Stage Combat and Dance. Favorite stage credits include The Laramie Project and Balm in Gilead (LA), El Muerto Vagabundo and Alebrijes (PDX) Film credits include Andrew Jackson: A History Channel Special Puppetry credits include three national tours with Tears of Joy Theatre, Malika Queen of the Cats, Raven Stories and When Animals Were People. Costume and Makeup design credits in LA include Seussical the Musical and Pippin in Portland; Post5’s Desdemona, Stupid Kids, Richard III, ETP’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Defunkt’s On the Edge, Fox & Beggar’s Angamazad, Milagro’s Exodo & Judge Torres, CC’s Fiddler on the Roof1984, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Cabaret which she also Choreographed, Crave’s Crossing and PAE’s Romeo & Juliet. Her work on Desdemona earned her Broadway World’s “Best Costume Design in Portland” award. This is her third show designing for Milagro. She is thrilled to be a part of this community.


Lawrence Siulagi, Sound Designer

Lawrence is a performer, director, sound designer, projection designer and music composer from San Diego where he pursued a Bachelors in the Dramatic Arts with a directing emphasis at San Diego State University. He has composed original music for three Milagro national touring shows—El Tesoro, ¡Super Ana! and ¡Corre Corre!—as well as sound designs for such shows as Astucias (dir. Robi Arce), Bi– (dir. Georgina Escobar), and Searching for Aztlan (dir. Lakin Valdez). He will be designing sound for the upcoming play Wolf at the Door (dir. Rebecca Martinez) at Milagro Theatre.


Katelan Braymer, Lighting Designer

Katelan is a Lighting Designer and Technical Director for Theatre, Dance and Opera. Recent Designs: Blood Rock (Berns& Rich), You In Midair (Danna Schaeffer), Underneath, Silent, Forgotten, KissA Taste of Honey, The Hairy Ape (Odyssey Theatre), notes on change_ (Erica Sobol), MEAT (Emma Zakes Green), Jocasta Project (Ghost Road), Free Outgoing (East West Players), Berlin Diary (Hand2Mouth Theatre), and Bi, Lydia, El Payaso (Milagro). Katelan is the Director of Production and Lighting for the LAX Festival since 2013 and Lighting Assistant at the LA Opera since 2011.


Sarah Andrews, Properties Master

Sarah holds a BFA in Acting from Central Washington University. Directing credits include Heart Play (Beady Little Eyes), Crossing, Thom Pain (based on nothing) (Crave Theatre), Corre Corre (Teatro Milagro), and the world premiere of From the Ruby Lounge (Steep and Thorny Way to Heaven). She wrote, produced, and directed two puppetry productions: an original adaptation of Life is a Dream, and Pearl and the Five-Headed Dragon. Sarah is a theatre artist who puts her soul into her work and looks forward to exploring the creative possibilities the future has in store.


Tomas Rivero, Mural Designer


Erin Kirkpatrick, Stage Manager

Erin is a recent graduate from Whitman College with a B. A. in Theatre and Classical Studies. In addition to stage management, she loves costume designing and directing. In the past year, she has costume designed Care of Trees (Enso Theatre Ensemble), designed and stage managed for 4.48 Psychosis (Red Balloon Collective), ASMed on Judy Moody (Oregon Children’s Theatre), stage managed with Original Practice Shakespeare Festival, and assistant directed Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again (Third Rail).

Milagro Theatre