Milagro Theatre

Milagro/NWTW Collaboration Scholarship

Ingenio scripts

As part of Milagro’s commitment to support the development of Latino playwrights, nationally and a local level, two Portland-area emerging Latina/o playwrights will be selected to take part in Northwest Theatre Workshop’s (NWTW) year-long program on script development, designed to take an idea into a rehearsal-ready script.

Selected playwrights will take NWTW workshops “Create 101” and “New Script Workshop.” The Create Workshops are important steps in the structured process to enable writers to create scripts in which they “say what they mean and mean what they say,” and to construct scripts to meet standards of producibility demanded by producers and directors. The work they produce over the course of the year will be highlighted as part of INGENIO Milagro 2019.

Create 101: Script Analysis introduces playwrights to specific concepts and techniques designed to get a script rehearsal-ready. Each participant will learn how to do a thorough and objective analysis of a published work. The New Script Workshop is designed to guide writers through the analysis and rebuilding of their own scripts and to teach participants how to guide other writers through the process. Workshops meet once per week.

For consideration, self-identified Latino playwrights who live in the Portland area must submit an unproduced script they are working on to no later than August 15, 2018. Any questions should be directed to Roy Antonio Arauz, Producing Creative Director, at

About NWTW

NWTW seeks to cultivate, refine, and expand the process of creating and developing new work for the theatre. We do this through education, workshops, and performances that result in professional level work, that honors the individual and collaborative spirits of the art form, and that connects each artistic work and its civic purpose with the community. Our objective is to make it possible for local playwrights and performance makers to elevate their work to a national standard through an innovative process that addresses artistic, fiscal and practical issues. NWTW is unique in providing an intense, systematic, real-world process geared toward play and playwright development, for Oregon-based artists. Our programs provide paying work for Portland’s diverse community of actors, directors, designers, and technicians. Through our intern program, we offer valuable training and practical experience to local college students of assorted backgrounds and genders.

About INGENIO Milagro

INGENIO Milagro is an emerging playwright and new works development program for Latina/o playwrights. INGENIO Milagro serves as an intrinsic step in the development of new full-length theatrical works through workshops and concert and table readings that guide playwrights and their works from concept to production. Industry professionals mentor the playwrights during the writing process. Directors, dramaturgs and actors bring the plays to life through concert or table readings for an audience of theatre professionals and members of the public, followed by a moderated feedback conversation. All leading to production-ready scripts by Latino voices to be considered by theatres nationwide.

Milagro Theatre