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A Xmas Cuento Remix

Not your abuela's Christmas story.
Directed by Alexandra Meda
Choreography by Gina Cornejo

Pay What You Will:
Tickets are available for $10, $20, or $30

Each ticket will give you access to a recording of the 2019 A Xmas Cuento Remix Archive Video. You will have 5 views per link and can watch the show within 5 days of purchase.

Links will be sent out within 24 hours of your ticket purchase.

We regret to inform you that due to production challenges the virtual A Xmas Cuento Remix scheduled to open on Dec. 4, 2020 is not available for audiences this year.

If you purchased a ticket to see the virtual A Xmas Cuento Remix you can request a refund by emailing us at


Thank you for your patience as you waited, with great anticipation, for the release of A Xmas Cuento Remix.

After weeks of working with our production team to bring you this story, we regret to inform you that the production of A Xmas Cuento Remix will not be ready in time for this holiday. Given the technological challenges, we will have to overcome to release the final production, setting a future date of release is not feasible at this time.

Milagro is not in the movie-making business, we are a theatre company, who amongst a global pandemic, tried to experiment with a new type of film making to continue telling stories. It is with heartfelt regret and disappointment that we bring you this news.

To bring you the holiday cheer we have promised, we are offering ticket holders the opportunity to view the archival video from Milagro’s 2019 production of A Xmas Cuento Remix directed by Alexandra Meda.

Here is a link to a trailer of A Xmas Cuento Remix which was produced by Milagro for live audiences in December 2019 and filmed in Portland, Oregon. For more information about the 2019 production visit the 2019 A Xmas Cuento Remix page. 

If you are not interested in watching the 2019 production and would like to request a refund please email us at

Thank you again for supporting Milagro. Thank you to the amazing creative team who worked very hard to produce a virtual A Xmas Cuento Remix. We are grateful for your understanding, patience, and support during this time. Find out more about the cast and crew who were a part of the virtual production here!

We wish you happy holidays!

Sobre la obra

Una versión latina moderna del clásico Cuento de Navidad de Dickens, esta nueva adaptación brinda una nueva perspectiva sobre las tradiciones navideñas consagradas. Combinando protagonistas femeninas fuertes, música moderna y alegría navideña, ¡únete a nosotros para un nuevo cuento navideño para hoy!

Anita Chapa perdió su trabajo en Nochebuena y con su familia a punto de perder su casa debe buscar la ayuda de su separada Tía Dolores. Dolores Avara no dormirá nada esta Nochebuena, ya que la visitarán algunos villancicos nerviosos que trabajarán para cambiar este Scrooge de malo a bueno, recordándole la importancia de la familia y las tradiciones.

Maya Malán-González, Directora y Dramaturga

Maya Malán-González es una artista multidisciplinar centradrada en la interpretación, la escritura y la colaboración en conjunto. Es miembro de Milagro en Portland, Oregon, donde recientemente actuó en el primer ministro mundial de «Wolf at the Door».  A través de su historia con la compañía, Milagro encargó su obra navideña, «A Xmas Cuento Remix», que tuvo un estreno a National New Play Network Rolling World en invierno 2019 con Milagro, 16th Street Theatre y el Teatro público de Cleveland. Además, Maya es miembro del conjunto del Teatro Luna, su historia “Down the Side of the Mountain (abajo del lado de la montaña) aparece en el audiolibro audible original del Teatro Luna, “Talking While Female and Other Dangerous Acts” (hablando como mujer y otros actos peligrosos). Maya también es miembro de la compañía del Teatro Cara Mia, donde fue vista por última vez actuando en in «Deferred Action» (Acción diferida) y «De Troya.» Ha actuado en el Edinburg Fringe Festival (Edinburg), Fury Factory Festival (San Francisco), One Theatre World (Chicago), Carnaval de New Work (Chicago) y el Encuentro De Las Américas (Los Ángeles). Maya recibió su B.F.A en actuación de la Escuela de Teatro de la Universidad DePaul con una concentración en Estudios Latinos.

Steph Landtiser (Director Musical)

 ha dirigido musicalmente Evil Dead the Musical, Seussical, Once Upon a Mattress (Theatre in the Grove), The Good Woman of Setzuan (Pacific University) y las producciones de 2018 y 2019 de A Xmas Cuento. Remix (Milagro)! Sus otros proyectos actuales incluyen virtualizar su estudio vocal y aprender a usar el desarrollo web para hacer del mundo en línea un lugar más amigable para la creación musical. Están muy agradecidos de volver a hacer este programa con gente tan increíble y talentosa. Amor a sus amigos y familiares, y a Calvin, por animarlos a dejar de pensar demasiado y empezar a hacer.

Anthony "Tony Fresh" Velez

This is Tony’s second appearance in A Xmas Cuento Remix! Tony is a professional Dancer, DJ, MC, Actor and all-around entertainer. He has been dancing for over 15 years. His first professional dance job was with the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers Scream Team in 2005. Tony was one of five dancers selected to represent Cleveland at the China Games in Shanghai and Beijing and continued on to the All Star Games in New Orleans. Appeared on the Fox Series «SYTYCD» in 2007. 2010-2013, Tony toured the Caribbean with Carnival Cruise Lines as a Break Dancer and acted in an award-winning production of “Dancing in the Streets.” Since returning to hometown, Cleveland, Tony has performed and taught with many local companies: Progressive Arts Alliance, Tri-C Arts Prep, Playhouse Square, Arts Applause International Inc. Currently, Tony is the owner and founder of ShowPeace Entertainment, LLC, a multi-service entertainment company with the mission to Show Peace in every showpiece. Tony’s recent acting credits include The Bloodless Jungle at Ensemble Theatre and The Panther Dancer at Playwrights Local and «The Native Gardens» at Cleveland Play House Square.


diciembre 13, 2020 @ 12:00 am
diciembre 31, 2020 @ 11:59 pm
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Milagro Theatre